supporting positive wellbeing at work

Top tips for helping your team beat January blues

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It’s that time of the year, again. It’s January – potentially one of the hardest months on the working calendar for your team.

Any Christmas celebrations are long gone, resolutions are fading already, they’re probably feeling sluggish from festive over-indulgence, and a long, dark January awaits. There’s even the uncertainty of 2022 and Blue Monday (the most depressing day of the year, apparently) fast approaching on 17th January.

All is not lost. Together, you can work with your team to beat those January blues, and make sure your employees’ mental health is well looked after. After all, from a business point of view, happier employees work harder and potentially stay with companies longer.

Encourage flexible working

By introducing flexible working, you can help employees deal with stress more successfully. A more organised work/life balance will show your employees that they are valued and appreciated, and that you trust them to get their work done. It shows that their personal lives are just as important to you too.

Limit out of hour communications

It’s after work. Do you really need to send that email or message now, or can it wait until the morning? It may be off your to-do list, but the employee who’s just received it will now be under unnecessary pressure to reply. Even if you don’t expect them to. It’s ok to leave it in your drafts or use the “Send Later” function. Tomorrow’s another day.

Support career progression

New year, new job? January seems to be the month people consider looking for a new role. Make your employees feel valued by arranging an appraisal. Discuss where they want to be in a years’ time and plot a way ahead. Perhaps even discuss new responsibilities to help further their careers.

Be social

Social interaction can help against depression, unfortunately we’re not meant to be socialising at the moment. However, there’s no reason why your team can’t stay connected through regular video calls. Perhaps set up an online coffee morning, book club or exercise class. And for those in the workplace, order some cakes in and put time aside for a coffee.

Promote time away from screens

Nowadays, we’re spending more time than ever in front of computers and phones. It’s important to recognise that your employees need time away from their screens. Suggest they go out for a walk, eat their lunch away from their desk, even join an exercise class at lunchtime. It’s all good for mental health and productivity.

Inspire staying active

Keeping active has mood-lifting benefits. That’s why encouraging your team to take time out to keep fit and healthy is a win-win. And with a flexible working environment, the short days of January won’t stand in the way, especially if you organise or encourage lunchtime workouts.

Finally, offer a channel of support

January blues can sometimes overshadow other health disorders, such as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Which means no matter how conscientious an employer you are, some employees may still struggle. That’s why we’re here to support you and your staff.

The Doctor Care Anywhere team treat both physical and mental health, and an appointment with one of our clinicians may be the start your employee needs to get their high spirits back.

We also have a wellbeing tool called MyHealth, with useful resources on topics such as sleep, ways to boost happiness, and even diet and mental health advice. All things that can help give your employees the best start to 2022.


Last reviewed December 2021.


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